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The UK Prime Minister Can't Stop Posting Bad Tweets

The UK Prime Minister Can't Stop Posting Bad Tweets
Rishi Sunak's social media presence is just another example of his inability to come across like a real human being.
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As the UK gears up for its July 2024 election, the country's candidates are taking to social media to convince Brits they should be the next person to run things — but some of them have grasped the art of posting better than others.

An example of how not to do it comes from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, whose most recent attempt at winning over the people of Britain has become the subject of widespread mockery over on X (formerly Twitter).

"You will always be better at spending your own money than the government is," Sunak wrote on June 11. The post is likely a reference to the Conservatives' promise to slash tax if reelected, but people took the opportunity to remind Sunak of the many ways his party has poured taxpayer money down the drain over the years.

But that's not the prime minister's only online embarrassment. Just a day before that poorly thought-out tweet, he'd posted another, which read: "If you're a criminal, the law should show you no mercy."

In Sunak's mind, the statement probably made him sound like a formidable, tough-on-crime contender for the UK premiership — but again, Brits saw it as little more than another chance to dunk on their leader.

At this point, it'd likely be better for Rishi Sunak's campaign if he simply ever used the internet again.

[Image credit: UK Government / Creative Commons]


  1. Sevan 1 week ago

    It must be the delicious Cuisine in the UK.....ugh

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