Biden-Trump Debate: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Biden-Trump Debate: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
Both candidates leaned into their worst aspects during the debate.
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Last night's Presidential debate was something of a catastrophe. Two exceedingly unpopular political candidates blathered on to a country that has already forgotten what was said on stage, and what both candidates have done in these past few months.

If you didn't watch the debate, we congratulate you for your good sense and self care, but we know you're curious about how things went down. Here are the takeaways.

The Good

It's exceedingly difficult to write anything here beyond "This space is intentionally left blank," but we'll try.

The shots were in focus, the live streams didn't cut out and the lighting was workman like. See? We can say good things.

If nothing else, the fact that this debate is happening so early in the cycle — before either the RNC or DNC — means that there's still time to make major shifts in the campaigns. It's unlikely that the candidates will change, but the messaging certainly can.

Plus, it's a good time for gamblers to be making some quick bucks as the internet freaks out.

The Bad

The most abysmal aspect of the entire event was CNN's complete and total abandonment of their journalistic duty during the debate.

There was no meaningful attempt to push back at blatant lies or question-dodges the whole night. The worst performance wasn't Trump or Biden — it was Jake Tapper.

But, when you look at the candidates themselves, it's clear that it was a terrible night for them too. Biden is getting the brunt of the negative attention for a performance with lots of stumbles and a doddering tone all around. He did a bad job, and now there's lots of talk about convincing him to step down — something that seems very unlikely to happen.

As for Trump, it was fire and brimstone as always, but more importantly it was a night full of fabrications — as if ChatGPT was in charge of making up nonsense out of whole cloth.

Confusingly, he called Biden a "bad Palestinian" and straight-up lied about Democrats killing children. Good thing CNN didn't get around to substantial fact checks for hours.

The Ugly

Watch the full debate here:

[Image: CNN]


  1. no one 1 day ago

    Unfortunately, the rules of the debate included no fact-checking and these were rules set by the Biden campaign. Why, I don’t know—to prevent arguments? However, I’m sure the rules didn’t say anything about making the candidates ANSWER THE F-ING QUESTION!!! Trump stayed on his immigration immigration immigration message (which won him his first term), which I’m sure is what his team instructed him to do and didn’t even begin to answer the most important, difficult questions asked of him. Yeah, buddy, just how are you going to round up and deport 11 million people? It was infuriating. It was a true shit show and a dismal performance by both. but at least Biden attempted to be honest and answer questions, while tripping over his tongue and looking cadaverous. So ironic in that it was the Biden campaign that wanted the debate and set the rules and they all played better to Trump. The no audience rule took the energy out of the room—Biden always plays better to an audience; the muted mics made Trump seem disciplined.Their intention was to show how bad Trump is and allay people’s fears about Biden’s age and it did just the opposite. Just a horribly played hand. He should have never taken those 2 trips to Europe so close to this event. I love Joe Biden and think he will still make a capable president. I would vote for his head in a jar over Trump, who for me is just a frighteningly awful person, but I think it’s right for the party to talk about whether Biden can come back after this. It may have been a fatal error. You can’t be a great president if you don’t get elected.

    1. Sevan 1 day ago

      Spot on.

  2. Sevan 2 days ago

    Dan Rather recently stated that FACT CHECKING immediately after statements made by presidential candidates is the most important step that can be taken. Additionally, these fact checks MUST BE PUBLISHED by the media very soon after they statements are made to reassure the public of the true facts.

    If you keep telling people over and over again that an apple is really an orange, people begin to believe it !!

    CNN failed miserably in transmitting the true facts made by both of these candidates.

  3. Just Some Guy 2 days ago

    Twice impeached convicted felon and adjudicated sex offender, heavily fined for defamation and business fraud, who illegally attempted to overturn an election and had the highest turnover rate of any White House administration in U.S. history.


    Old, but competent non-criminal who has been passing meaningful legislation for the last 4 years and has never threatened Americans with retribution.

    Easiest election in my life.

    1. Sevan 2 days ago

      Trump broke the FACT CHECK machine in this "debate" with record-breaking lies and falsehoods for an hour and a half, dodging answers to pretty much all of the questions asked of him..

      But who's surprised at this ?? Just more typical Donald Trump.

      You MAGA people would STILL hand over the keys to the nuclear arsenal of the United States to this convicted moron...

      You people need a lobotomy !!!

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